A Comprehensive Guide to Seasoning Your Blackstone Griddle

Septemba 09, 2023 8 min read

How to season a Blackstone Griddle

You're in for a treat if you're the proud owner of a Blackstone griddle. This dependable cooking buddy is more than simply a piece of outdoor gear; it holds the doorway to a world of culinary opportunities. However, one critical step you must learn before starting your culinary adventure is seasoning your Blackstone griddle. This detailed guide will take you step-by-step through the seasoning process, ensuring that your grill turns into a non-stick, flavor-enhancing powerhouse that ups the ante on your outdoor cooking prowess.

A Blackstone griddle is like a passport to culinary explorations in your backyard. This multipurpose cooking tool is more than simply outdoor equipment; it's a doorway to a world of tastes and opportunities. However, one critical step you must learn before starting your cooking adventure is seasoning your Blackstone griddle. We'll lead you through the seasoning procedure in this thorough manual, guaranteeing that your griddle becomes a non-stick, flavor-boosting powerhouse that improves your outdoor cooking skills. 

What Makes a Blackstone Griddle Seasoned?

Cleaning of Blackstone Griddle

Certainly, here's a table summarizing the importance of seasoning your Blackstone griddle and the materials required for the seasoning process:

Benefits of Seasoning Description
Non-Stick Surface Seasoning creates a natural, non-stick layer, preventing food from adhering to the griddle.
Enhancement of Flavor The oils used in seasoning contribute a unique aroma and taste to dishes cooked on the griddle.
Rust Prevention Seasoning acts as a shield against rust and corrosion, prolonging the griddle's lifespan.

Materials Required for Seasoning

  • High-smoke-point cooking oil (e.g., canola, vegetable, or flaxseed oil)
  • Paper towels or fabric rags
  • Heat-resistant gloves or tongs
  • Griddle scraper
  • Grill brush
  • Warm water and mild dish soap

These materials are essential for achieving a well-seasoned griddle that performs at its best and lasts for a long time.

The Exact Seasoning Procedure

Let's get right to it now. To effectively season your Blackstone griddle, follow these steps:

  1. The first cleaning:

It would help you to season a blackstone grilled. Clean the griddle's surface well with warm water and mild dish soap. Rinse it, then let it dry.

  1. Heat the Griddle:

Set the heat on your griddle to medium-high. By doing this procedure, the metal's pores will be widened and better able to absorb the oil.

  1. Spread a Light Coat of Oil:

Put on heat-resistant gloves and dip a paper towel or rag into the cooking oil of your choice. Make sure it is well moistened but not leaking.

Rub the griddle's surface, including the corners and edges, with the oiled cloth. Be thorough, but don't go overboard; you want a thin covering.

  1. Evenly distribute the oil:

Use a grill brush to apply the oil across the griddle's surface uniformly. Be sure to cover every square inch.

  1. Let It Smoke:

As the oil heats up, it will start to smoke. This is encouraging! The griddle should be smoked for 15 to 20 minutes. The oil is polymerized during this process, resulting in a natural non-stick covering.

  1. Recover and proceed:

The griddle should be removed from the heat source and allowed to cool naturally. The seasoning layer is beginning to form, and you may see that the surface is becoming darker.

At least two more repetitions should be enough to get the required non-stick surface and vibrant color.

  1. Continue to Season:

It's crucial to clean your griddle while it's still heated after eachcooking session. To clean it, use a cloth or paper towel to remove food particles from the griddle.

After each cleaning session, add a little coating of oil to preserve and strengthen the seasoning.

Cooking eggs and bacon

Why Seasoning Is Important

Let's first comprehend "why" seasoning is so crucial for your Blackstone griddle before moving on to "how":

Non-Stick Magic:

Seasoning gives your griddle's surface a naturally non-stick coating. This makes flipping and rotating your meal easier since it prevents it from sticking to the surface inflexibly.

Prevents Rust:

Rust is prevented by acting as a barrier to stop rust. This is very important because griddles spend a lot of time outdoors, where they are exposed to moisture and air.

Enhanced Flavor: 

Your griddle becomes seasoned more with each layer of spice. The oils and fats melt into the metal, imparting delicious tastes to your meal.

Longer Lifespan: 

Griddles that have been appropriately seasoned typically live longer. You invest in your cooking companion's durability by preventing rust and wear.

Now that we understand why seasoning is essential, let's explore the "how."

How to Season Your Blackstone Griddle Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Setup and Safety First:

    • Position your griddle in a well-ventilated area away from flammable objects.
    • Ensure you have heat-resistant gloves on hand to protect your fingers from accidental burns.
    • Keep your materials organized and within arm's reach.
  2. Griddle Cleaning:

    • Inspect the griddle surface. If there's any protective coating or shipping oil, it needs to be removed first.
    • Soap and water: Using warm soapy water and a soft cloth or sponge, scrub the surface thoroughly.
    • Rinse well with clean water to ensure all soap residues are removed.
    • Dry: Towel dry the griddle thoroughly and allow any remaining moisture to evaporate.
  3. Heat It Up:

    • Turn on your griddle and set it to medium-high heat.
    • Allow it to heat for 15-20 minutes or until the entire surface is evenly hot. This will open up the metal's pores, preparing it for seasoning.
  4. Oil Application:

    • Choose the right oil: A high-smoke-point oil, such as flaxseed, canola, or vegetable oil, is essential.
    • Saturate your rag or paper towel with the oil but ensure it isn’t dripping excessively.
    • Using tongs (or wearing heat-resistant gloves), rub the oiled rag over the entire surface of the griddle, ensuring an even coat.
  5. The Smoke Phase:

    • As the oil heats, it'll begin to smoke. This is normal and is a sign that the oil is polymerizing with the metal, forming a protective layer.
    • Allow the griddle to smoke until it stops, typically around 30 minutes.
  6. Re-application:

    • Once the smoke subsides, apply another thin layer of oil.
    • Repeat the process: let the oil heat until smoking, then let it smoke until it stops.
  7. Repeat Seasoning:

    • For the best results and a durable non-stick surface, you'll want to repeat the full oiling and smoking process 3-5 times. The griddle should get progressively darker with each cycle.
  8. Cooling Down:

    • After the final cycle, turn off the griddle and let it cool naturally. It's crucial not to rush this process. Cooling can take several hours, but it ensures that the seasoning sets properly.
  9. Post-Seasoning Care:

    • Once cooled, apply a light coat of oil to the griddle. This provides a protective layer against moisture in between uses.
    • Store your griddle in a dry place. If it's an outdoor unit, consider using a protective cover to shield it from the elements.

By following this detailed guide, you'll create a well-seasoned griddle ready to produce delicious meals while ensuring it remains protected and has an extended lifespan.

Additional Success Tips

Cooking food on grill

Avoid Soap: 

Avoid using soap to clean your griddle since it might remove the seasoning. To remove residue, use a griddle brush or scraper with hot water.

Scrape After Each Use: 

After cooking, consider scraping off any food residue while the griddle is still heated. Cleaning up is significantly more straightforward as a result.

Select the Correct Oil: 

Opt for oils with high smoke points. These have a lower propensity to disintegrate and stick throughout the seasoning process.

Patience is Key:

Do not rush the procedure; instead, take your time. An investment in flavorful, non-stick cooking is proper seasoning.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Seasoning Your Blackstone Griddle 

What is "seasoning" in the context of cookware?
Seasoning refers to the process of applying a thin layer of oil to the surface of cookware and heating it to create a protective and non-stick layer. This is especially common with cast iron or steel cookware, like the Blackstone griddle.

Can I use any type of oil for seasoning?
While many oils can be used for seasoning, it's recommended to use oils with a high smoke point such as canola oil, flaxseed oil, or vegetable oil. This ensures the oil doesn't break down too quickly during the seasoning process.

How often should I re-season my griddle?
It's a good idea to re-season your griddle when you notice food starting to stick or if the sheen on the surface appears to be fading. For regular users, this might be every few months. Infrequent users may only need to season once a year.

My griddle has developed some rust. Can I still season it?
Yes, but first, the rust needs to be removed. You can scrub the rust off using a griddle brush or a mixture of coarse salt and a little water. Once the rust is gone and the griddle is dry, you can proceed with the seasoning process.

Can I season my griddle indoors?
Yes, but ensure your kitchen is well-ventilated as the process can produce a lot of smoke. If possible, consider seasoning outdoors or in a space with plenty of fresh air.

Why is it crucial to season a Blackstone griddle?
A Blackstone griddle should be seasoned for a number of reasons, including to make the surface non-stick, stop rust and corrosion, improve flavor, and lengthen the griddle's life.

Is there a difference between the first-time seasoning and re-seasoning?
The initial seasoning is typically more intensive, often involving multiple layers of oil to establish a good base. Re-seasoning is typically a single-layer application to refresh and maintain the existing seasoned surface.

Do I need to clean my griddle after every use, even if I'm going to season it?
Yes, it's essential to clean the griddle after each use to remove food particles and prevent them from getting baked into the seasoning layer. Cleaning ensures the seasoning adheres directly to the griddle surface and not to leftover residues.

How do I know if I've applied too much oil during the seasoning process?
If there's pooling or dripping of oil from the griddle, you've likely applied too much. Ideally, the oil should form a thin, even layer on the griddle's surface. If you've used excess, simply wipe off the surplus with a clean cloth or paper towel before heating.

Can I use butter or animal fats for seasoning?
While butter and animal fats can impart a unique flavor, they have a lower smoke point than recommended oils, making them less ideal for seasoning. They can also turn rancid over time, affecting the griddle's flavor.

To have a well-seasoned griddle, how many times do I need to perform the seasoning process?
To create a well-seasoned griddle, it is advised to repeat the seasoning procedure at least twice or three times. As you season the griddle, you add more layers of seasoning, enhancing its non-stick qualities.

Can I wash my griddle with soap after seasoning?
After seasoning, it is typically advised against using soap to clean your griddle since it might wash away the seasoning. Griddle brushes or scrapers and hot water are typically all that are needed for cleaning.

Why is it crucial to let the griddle cool naturally after seasoning?
After seasoning, it's important to let the griddle cool naturally so that the seasoning may fully set. Rushing through this process could produce a seasoning layer that is uneven or less effective.

How frequently should my Blackstone griddle be re-seasoned?
Re-seasoning your Blackstone griddle is a good idea, especially if you see the seasoning fading. It's advisable to do so as needed to keep up with use and preserve performance.

Are there any foods I should avoid cooking on a newly seasoned griddle?
Acidic foods like tomatoes or citrus-based marinades can strip the seasoning. It's best to cook several non-acidic meals on the griddle first to further establish the seasoning before cooking acidic dishes.

What equipment is necessary to season a Blackstone griddle?
The tools needed for seasoning include a griddle scraper, a grill brush, warm water, some dish soap for initial washing, heat-resistant gloves or tongs, cooking oil with a high smoke point (such as canola or vegetable oil), and paper towels or fabric rags.

Blackstone Griddle


It's not simply a job to season your Blackstone griddle; it's a journey that results in improved cooking and unique tastes. Your griddle transforms from a simple piece of equipment into an integral component of your culinary endeavors with each layer of seasoning.

So remember the straightforward but crucial seasoning step the next time you light up your Blackstone griddle. It's the key to culinary mastery, guaranteeing that every dish you cook on your griddle is a work of art in flavor and texture. If you take good care of your griddle, you'll enjoy a lifetime of delectable outdoor cooking.

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